FPV Racer Quadcopter Build Log

The summer is coming and it is time for FPV flying. It is just great feeling to fly around. In the past months I have used mostly my SG Acro quadcopter and that one is not suitable for FPV flying, even it is great fun making flips with it 🙂

I will be using my own SG Adventure Mini v4 frame. I spent many hours learning CAD from zero and trying to create an unique FPV frame, that is as good as possible. I just love this asymmetric carbon fiber frame 🙂

Let´s get started with the parts that I have used for that FPV Racer:

  • SG Adventure Mini v4 frame
  • T-Motor MN2206 2000kv
  • HK BlueSeries 12A ESC flashed with SimonK firmware
  • CC3D flight controller
  • 6” carbon propeller
  • Power distribution board
  • ImmersionRC TX
  • Nylon Spacers and M3 screws

First I mounted the M3 6mm nylon spacers on the top center plate. Next I mounted the MN2206 motors on the arms and cut the 2mm gold connectors as I was going to solder the motor cables directly to the ESCs.


Then unsoldered the original motor cables from every ESC. I also removed the 5V and GND cables from 3 ESCs and left only the signal cable (I was going to use the supplied BEC on the fourth one).


Took the bottom center plate and mounted the power distribution board with on it. Next step was cutting the power cables from the ESC, so these can fit on the bottom plate. Then soldered these cables to the power distribution board. I also soldered the power cable to the battery, the LEDs and a power cable for the ImmersionRC video transmitter.


After that I put heat shrink on the ESCs and soldered the cables from the motors to every ESC. You should care when soldering to reverse two of the motor cables because of the different rotation.


Next step is assembling the arms with the center plates. I don’t like to see the locknuts on the top, but it is much easier to mount the arms by that way. Once you are done with two of these, you can put the other screws from the top and then remove or reverse the firstly mounted screws and locknuts.IMG_9863IMG_9865

Finally I have mounted the CC3D flight controller, a carbon cover for it and the 6” propellers. I also put two 6mm nylon spacers in the middle between the two center plates for more strength. On the top of the flight controller cover I mounted the ImmersionRC TX with a zip tie until I receive my third FPV cover plate.IMG_9866IMG_9871IMG_9872
