Tag Archives: flight controller

Preview: Naze32 rev6

About month ago AbuseMark released the next version of his famous flight controller – the Naze32 rev6. I am still considering, if I should replace my Naze32 rev5 or my CC3D. Here I will share my thoughts about it.

What’s new:

  • Invensense MPU6500 replace the old MPU6050 gyro
  • Added BMP280 Bosch barometer
  • Spektrum satellite receiver port
  • 16Mbit SPI flash memory
  • SBUS inverter
  • Pads for direct connecting a Sonar
  • Through pin holes for the receiver

The new MPU6500 gyro and accelerometer allows communication per I²C and SPI too. Sadly the MPU6500 is still connected via I2C (unlike other F1 boards with MPU6500, Paris Air Hero32). Because of this, if you are planning to use the Cleanflight firmware on the new Naze32 rev6, you need to wait a bit for a stable release.

Having a barometer is a nice feature, but I am not sure if it is needed on an acro quadcopter. I have an upgraded Naze32 rev5 with barometer on my SG Acro and have never used it.

Through pin holes for the receiver are very welcome, as many pilots (including myself) have broken the receiver pads after crashing.

If you are using Spektrum Satellite or SBUS receiver, you don’t need to hack the Naze32 anymore. These can be easily connected now.

You can now use the integrated 2MB flash memory on the Acro Naze32 rev6 for logging data (blackbox feature).

The new Naze32 rev6 have a bit changed design. The USB port is on the right side now. When powering the Naze32 rev6 via PC-USB, you need to know following fact: your receiver is now powered too. That’s the good news. The problem is, that the ESCs are powered too, because 5V are going to the servo rail.


Most of the changes on the Naze32 rev6 are very welcome. Yes, the processor is still the STM32 F1 and not the newer F3 or F4, but it is ok if you are using these kind of sensors. Is it worth spending 25$ for it?

Yes if:

  • You really need the 2MB flash and don’t want to solder it on your own on the old Naze32.
  • You are planning to use SBUS receiver and don’t want to use a separate inverter or do hacks.
  • You neither have the old Naze32 nor want to install Cleanflight on a CC3D.
  • You can’t go flying without barometer 😀

I will personally stick to my Naze32 rev5 or CC3D for now. It is not a secret, that I still prefer the CC3D, because of its integrated 2MB flash, SBUS inverter and better price.